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How do I get the tree scenes

You need courage, and corruption points, so you just need to watch her in the shower until the new scene appears, and for the scene in the tree you need to fuck Fiona once


I cant do anything after having 21 courage and can't do anything with Fiona after get naked

you have to do the scenes with her sleeping to gain more courage, and ask her for favors

where can I find Betty?

I can't find the corruption option anymore I believe.

how do i use the linux version

How y get the new pb scenes the new one for update 6.0


looked everwhere, couldn't find anything

How do i get more courage?

How can I gain more strength to save the flame princess? 



Ayuda, alguien sabe cómo derrotar a la princesa flama.

I keep extracting the file, but every time I do it keeps not extracting and says the folder is empty


how you can have sexual relations and how you can do the anal scene with fiona


how do I get the ax

Maybe try to read or just talk to marceline

ve con marceline


There's some places that you have to click to get out from somewhere like the carpet on Marcy's house that are difficult to touch in the mobile version, the menu bar kinda blocks it. It's not impossible to click, but took me some time lmao

Very good, nice arts. Excited for the next updates!

Do you have a release date for the update?

When next Update?

Do you have a  twitter?

When next update?


Can there be futa? It could explain the reproduction thing at least


plssssss no


or make it optional



when next update?


Is it coming out today seriously?


Some options were locked behind corrupting Fionna and I am hoping it wouldn't become standard. I would rather have the option to charm the girls rather than mind break them. Or maybe I am playing a wrong game


Probably playing the wrong game considering the name is *Corruption* time


I might be

can you give me the name of that game

can you give me the name of that game

hey I'm stuck on the checkup with pb where she gives me a handjob, how do i get past this?


It's bugged, but it can be spammed on the same day multiple times until you reach the end

Hi, how can I get out of Marceline's house (I'm from the apk version) because I'm stuck because I hit go to back and I don't leave the house.

Hello, to leave Marcy's house you must click on the carpet next to the sofa

(1 edit)

i have a question iv done every thing for all the other characters and I've finished pose 4 for fionna but what ever I do I cant get past training with her in the story i have access to the final favor and I don't gain courage from any of the actions when she's a sleep or the shower i dont know what to do can you help me?

hello, you can gain more courage by spying on fionna in the bathroom, but if you have already gained everything, you can buy sleeping pills and give them to fionna, and after that you can do things at night with fionna to gain courage


iv done that to i dont gain any courage or corruption any more ive freed the flame princess completed bubble gum and marceline also iv had pose four for multiple weeks and have used it no matter what i do i cant get past training and i have used the final favor multiple times

Games getting better and better,do you plan on adding costumes for the next update since it's gonna be on Halloween?

That was the idea, but unfortunately the update will no longer be released on Halloween

(2 edits) (+1)

i found a bug

when you send fionna to clean the kingdom so early in the game ice queen will never appear to continue the princess bubblegum part

preventing you from continuing the story

took me few hours before i figured i had to reset my save

Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention, I'll fix it as soon as possible

will you finally add sex scenes in the next update also this game is amazing

Thank you, and yes I will add sex scenes in the next update


hey where do i find marcy?


you have to unlock Princess Bubblegum, and after that just sleep, sleep for 6 nights and Marceline will appear


what is going to be in the next update?

(1 edit) (-6)

Can you add in the next update pregnancy or just virgin and blood and maybe not just with steve and cheating with another chracters she can get stealed her virgin pls


when would we be expecting another update roughly what month could it possibly be


The next update will be released on October 31st

Fun, but when will you add gallery?

I still don't know exactly what update I'm going to put the gallery in

when do we expect a major update to the game roughly what month or date can you leak and when would actual sex scene including the lesbian scene. incutia keep up the work my g


I think the next update will already have sex scenes

A quite striking wonder, the characters are quite complete, the text dialogue is fair and necessary, and the freedom to make decisions about where the player wants to go and what to do is simply perfect.

a simple but entertaining combat style, and the content +18 I must say, a visual delight. Despite being a Demo, I couldn't find any Bugs that have ruined my experience as a player, and the game is also quite intuitive. I would say that it is by far one of the games that has received the most love and dedication.

I hope you continue with the same dedication that is remarkably reflected in your game.

Keep surprising us like this, Incutia. My congratulations to you.


I'm very happy to read this, I'm even happier to see that you're enjoying it, I will always strive to bring better updates, and improve my art, thank you for playing

and can you also do when finishing the last up the ending for the game could you possible add a different sex scene with an of the two characters also use Fiona to do a lesbian scene with any of the girl characters and add a special hidden character aswell for an Easter egg a suggestion for the game love you incutia


Ah hello, I'm glad you liked the game, I already intended to do that, put a different scene at the end for each girl, but I still don't know if I'll do that

the best part of the game is how inocent fionna is

 I wanted to ask on you last update for the game can you add when finishing the game can you pick any 2 character to do a sex scene weather I could be a lesbian futa or straight scene and probably add special characters aswell to unlock it could really make the game more fun and enjoyable when finishing the game and I could donate 150€ to the Patreon if done so I could die a happy man love you incutia

Thanks for playing and enjoying it, I've been thinking about adding futas scenes to the game for a while now, so something like this will probably be done

Abra escena de penatracion con fiona en la proxima actualizacion y una idea que tengo es que cuando tengamos la corrupcion bastante alta tengamos una animacion h en el baño despues del entrenamiento

(1 edit)

Ok, now that I finished the update, here is some issues and bugs:

- You can cheat how PB's checkups work by simply revisiting her in the same day after a checkup. Meaning you can simply get the mission done in a single day

- In the dugeon to rescue FP, the enemies have the last hit before they are defeated. Which doesn't make sense since Fin should have the last final hit

- speaking off, the fighting music doesn't play for the smaller flame guards and the boss fight

- The hitboxes for both "Marceline's house to outside" (rug) and "Road to tree house" (stones) is too small for APK users

- And lastely, some words are in BR in the English translation. And the swimming goggles isn't called "mask"


Well, generally there are a lot of errors in the translation because I'm BR, so I make the game in Portuguese and then translate it, but I did it in a stupid way and the translation comes out wrong, I'll fix it in my next games, about the hitbox, I'm already thinking about something to solve this. Thank you for your feedback, I will always work to improve the game

If you're going to fix the check ups then please let us be able to skip to thursday .It takes quite a bit going through each week.

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